Israel’s model make Kosovo stronger and developed
Israel’s recognition of Kosovo should be a feeling of joy because it defines gratitude and recognition. This is especially true for Kosovo as a state. The Albanians and the people of Kosovo in this new development of building relations and developing these relations have gained not just recognition but a guarantor of cooperation and partnership, which brings progress and development. In addition, a reference point is the model of a strong state like Israel, which was internationally recognized immediately after the World War ll.

By Anton Berisha – Former Deputy Foreign Minister of Kosovo
In the context of time as an element, the expression ‘that there is a time for everything’, brought to the political actuality of the strategic movements of the Balkan region, defines the materialization of recent developments. Nations associated closely with their identities but also different nations, faced with a decision, convey formed memory and knowledge.
Albanians have as much identity and memory as others. Immanuel Kant has tried to answer the question: who is the other? Knowing the other is the key to development in action dynamics.Thus, this thought brought to the basis of time and knowledge on delicate and important issues takes on the meaning of the developments of the global society, which in essence has a national affiliation.
Building relations between states, developing relations in the region and beyond in the dynamics of action remains important in its entirety. There are common and special events in the history of the world however; the special events are the ones that the memory of the time has named as historical events. Such remains the importance of the recognition of Kosovo as a state by Israel, and the establishment of the Kosovo Embassy in Jerusalem.
In our tradition, faith is an element of behavior and definition for the Albanian. In our genetic codes, the house belongs to God and the friend. World-renowned for this practice of living, Albanians are humanists. Albanians were the only nations who saved Jewish people during the Holocaust. I say Albanians only, because this is the truth known worldwide.
Albanian nation and its people, has a special place in the memory and heart for the Jewish people and that is why in our Albanian spaces we have memorials of gratitude, and not holocaust museums.
Israel’s recognition of Kosovo should be a feeling of joy because it defines gratitude and recognition. This is especially true for Kosovo as a state. The Albanians and the people of Kosovo in this new development of building relations and developing these relations have gained not just recognition but a guarantor of cooperation and partnership, which brings progress and development. In addition, a reference point is the model of a strong state like Israel, which was internationally recognized immediately after the World War ll.
Why do I say model?
Without delving deeper into the history of early relations between Albanians and Jews, I am stopping at essentially the same events. Jews faced exoduses for thousands of years, and only in the twentieth century managedto have their state in the midst of a world just emerged from World War II.
Kosovo could have a state and independence only after the end of the wars in the Balkans, at the beginning of the XXI century. As far as Albanians are concerned, if we go back to the past that is already evidenced by lived events, the memory is the same.
If the Jews one day built the state of Israel, strengthened it and factorized it internationally, let it also serve as a reference for us to strengthen and factorize the state of Kosovo internationally.
Albanians, before having a religious identity, are affiliated with their genetic code where humanism is honored as much as the action of the wisdom of the code of faith. It is the pledge of honor, for humanistic and peace-loving states and nations.
Guided by this universal principle, which relates to the dignity of every human being, it is unnecessary to expose theories, ideas, or other thoughts such as those of religious affiliation, while Jerusalem lives in complete harmony with itself as a city and metropolis of the today’s world.
For Albanians, harmony between religions is a wealth and value, as well as an inspiring example for the times we live in today’s world where the dynamics of development, despite the speed of action, makes us a reference point for peaceful coexistence in relation to ourselves and others.
When you arrive there, it is no longer a dream…