Tag: Albanian Daily News
If we were to list the countries where religious legitimacy is most influential, Israel would definitely be one of them, if not the first. No other nation can be found which, after almost 2500 years, has reshaped its state after having miraculously preserved its language, traditions, history and faith
Interview of the Ambassador of Israel to Albania, Noah Gal Gendler, with “Albanian Daily News” newspaper
Israeli Ambassador to Tirana, Noah Gal Gendler invited to share with readers of Albanian Daily News some opinions on the fight against the coronavirus pandemic as well as its expected economic impact worldwide.
While the expectations and ambitions of the Albanian people remain very high, it is the political atmosphere that is making progress more and more difficult in the country, has said Israeli Ambassador to Tirana Boaz Rodkin.
AJC’s CEO David Harris Exclusively for Albanian Daily News
Israel’s relations with Albania are robust and cover a broad spectrum, consisting of diplomatic, economic and security matters,” has said Israel’s Ambassador to Albania, Boaz Rodkin, who expressed his satisfaction that the ties between the two countries had gone from strength to strength, particularly since the resident embassy of Israel was opened in Tirana nearly seven years ago
The program for the endowing event of the Honorary title of ‘House of Life’ to Albania will include the premiere screening of the new film “The Albanian Code” by Professor Yael Katzir which unfolds the story of the rescue not of a single family by a single good hearted Albanian family but it gives, on the one hand, the big picture and, on the other, there is a rescued woman in Albania who comes to say thank you to the Albanian People.
Dr. Yonatan Peres was in Albania to attend the inauguration ceremony of a monument to his father Shimon Peres at a square named after him in Tirana on July 26 this year, and after it he gave an interview to Albanian Daily News.
“The establishment of the state in 1948, the fulfillment of its envisioned role as home and haven for Jews from all corners of the world, its wholehearted embrace of democracy and the rule of law, and its impressive economic, scientific and cultural achievements, are extraordinary accomplishments,” has said the Israeli Ambassador to Albania, Boaz Rodkin