Tag: Embassy of Israel to Tirana
Israeli Ambassador to Tirana, Noah Gal Gendler invited to share with readers of Albanian Daily News some opinions on the fight against the coronavirus pandemic as well as its expected economic impact worldwide.
Good news has arrived on Monday, with Ambassador of Israel to Albania, Noah Gal Gendler officially confirming device that tracks earthquakes 8-12 hours in advance will be released within a year
The President of the Republic of Albania Ilir Meta received this Friday the new Ambassador of the State of Israel to Albania, Noah Gal Gendler, who presented his Credential Letters.
While the expectations and ambitions of the Albanian people remain very high, it is the political atmosphere that is making progress more and more difficult in the country, has said Israeli Ambassador to Tirana Boaz Rodkin.
Kindergarten No. 17 in Unit 7 in Tirana was reconstructed by Municipality of Tirana, in cooperation with the Israeli Embassy, the Honorary Consul of Israel in Albania and the Chamber of Commerce Albania-Israel.
“The establishment of the state in 1948, the fulfillment of its envisioned role as home and haven for Jews from all corners of the world, its wholehearted embrace of democracy and the rule of law, and its impressive economic, scientific and cultural achievements, are extraordinary accomplishments,” has said the Israeli Ambassador to Albania, Boaz Rodkin