Tag: The Blogs
If we were to list the countries where religious legitimacy is most influential, Israel would definitely be one of them, if not the first. No other nation can be found which, after almost 2500 years, has reshaped its state after having miraculously preserved its language, traditions, history and faith
Shay Avshalom Zavdi is AJC ACCESS Israel Director and AJC Israel Director of Media Relations
The Biden administration was strategic and effective in the latest Israel-Hamas conflict. American leadership shows once again to be critical to stability and peace in the Mideast.
The effects of the September 4, 2020 agreement in Washington and the recognition of Kosovo by Israel – By Lieutenant Colonel Fatos Haziri, Doctor of Legal Science.
Not many Israelis have been to Kosovo yet so they do not recognize the great similarities that exist between the two countries, but thanks to this agreement, the two peoples will finally be able to connect.
The peace agreement between Israel, the UAE, and Bahrain is a historic moment that brings together the most advanced states in the Middle East for the good of humanity – By Noah Gal Gendler, Ambassador of Israel to Albania
Israel’s recognition of Kosovo should be a feeling of joy because it defines gratitude and recognition. This is especially true for Kosovo as a state. The Albanians and the people of Kosovo in this new development of building relations and developing these relations have gained not just recognition but a guarantor of cooperation and partnership, which brings progress and development. In addition, a reference point is the model of a strong state like Israel, which was internationally recognized immediately after the World War ll.
The recent inauguration of the Holocaust Memorial in Tirana, Albania drew acclaim from Jewish leaders in Israel and abroad. This memorial represents an advancement in the already warm relations between Israel and Albania.
Speech of Rabbi Yoel Kaplan, Chief Rabbi of Albania at the “Religion as an Instrument of Peace” conference, organised by the President of the Republic of Albania Ilir Meta, in cooperation with US State Department in Tirana.