Category: 24/7
Shay Avshalom Zavdi is AJC ACCESS Israel Director and AJC Israel Director of Media Relations
The Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, received Mrs. Avital Leibovich, Director of the American Jewish Committee Jerusalem, former spokesperson of the Israeli Army (IDF).
Mrs. Elisa Spiropali, Minister of State for Parliamentary Relations and Member of Parliament for the Socialist Party, highly praised the Director of the American Jewish Committee (AJC, branch Jerusalem), Mrs. Avital Leibovich.
The agreement was signed for the Albanian side by the rector of the University of Tirana, Prof. Artan Hoxha and the Israeli side from Deputy President Prof. Moche Lewenstein.
Remarks of the President of the Republic, H. E. Ilir Meta at the award ceremony of Ms. Avital Leibovich with the Title of Scanderbeg Order’s Knight
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo, Donika Gërvalla – Schwarz, through a message on Twitter, congratulated the establishment of the government of Israel, and especially the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel, Yair Lapid, at the same time the alternate Prime Minister.
Ambasadorja e Kosovës në Izrael, Ines Demiri, së bashku edhe me Sekretaren për Çështjet Akademike në Universitetin Bar-Ilan të Izraelit, Rachel Shelly Levy Drummer, vizituan Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, për të diskutuar rreth mundësive të bashkëpunimit me Institucionet e Arsimit të Kosovës
The President of the Republic of Albania, Ilir Meta participated and greeted through a video message the traditional annual meeting “Morning of Prayers”, which is being held in Jerusalem under the special care of the Head of State of Israel, Reuven Rivlin.
The President of the Center for Jewish Impact held a meeting with Ines Demir, Ambassador of Kosovo at the headquarters of the Embassy of Kosovo in Jerusalem, Israel.
The Ambassador of Kosovo in Israel, Ines Demiri received at the headquarters of the Embassy in Jerusalem the well-known professor Dr. Moshe Landsman, one of the founders of the Department of Psychology at the University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” (UP).