Israel and Kosovo, two similar countries with rich culture
Not many Israelis have been to Kosovo yet so they do not recognize the great similarities that exist between the two countries, but thanks to this agreement, the two peoples will finally be able to connect.

By Eliran Ben Yair,
Petah Tiqwa, Hamerkaz, Israel
Kosovo three years ago, the first thing that came to my mind was “Wow, this country reminds me of Israel so much!”
Religious diversity, the way everyone there accepts each other and especially the rich culture.
I remember being in a restaurant with some local friends and asking them why Israel still does not recognize Kosovo?
And they started explaining to me all the politics around.

I was very angry and three weeks later I even went to the mayor’s office in my city in Israel and tried to convince him to do a project of twin cities with Pristina.
But he refused and said that it could damage the ties with Serbia and other countries.
I was very angry but I knew that one day it would come and Kosovo and Israel would become identical allies.
On September 4, I received more than 40 messages from my friends from Kosovo that says “Israel recognizes Kosovo !!!!”.
The excitement was at its peak. And so far I’m happy extremely about it.
Not many Israelis have been to Kosovo yet so they do not recognize the great similarities that exist between the two countries, but thanks to this agreement, the two peoples will finally be able to connect.

Israel and Kosovo will be able to trade with each other.
Do student exchange missions.
In schools, students will learn about the “Basa” ,which saved 2,000 Jews during the Holocaust.
And so the two peoples will gain for them a new ally and a bond between two peoples that will grow stronger over the years.
Soon, when Kosovo grows up waving the Israeli flag in Jerusalem, we will all celebrate together the beginning of this amazing relationship.
The world is becoming a better place day by day, and the agreement between Israel and Kosovo is a leap forward in my eyes.