Tag: Kosovo
Not many Israelis have been to Kosovo yet so they do not recognize the great similarities that exist between the two countries, but thanks to this agreement, the two peoples will finally be able to connect.
Does Israel benefit a lot as well by this mutual recognition with Kosova? YES. – from Avni Dervishi, Advisor for European & Global Affairs
Israel’s recognition of Kosovo should be a feeling of joy because it defines gratitude and recognition. This is especially true for Kosovo as a state. The Albanians and the people of Kosovo in this new development of building relations and developing these relations have gained not just recognition but a guarantor of cooperation and partnership, which brings progress and development. In addition, a reference point is the model of a strong state like Israel, which was internationally recognized immediately after the World War ll.
The two nations have agreed to normalize economic relations 21 years after a bloody conflict tore them apart. – By Dr. Munr Kazmir, Vice President of American Jewish Congress
In the 1990s, 10,000 Kosovo Albanians died and about one million were displaced as a result of Serbia’s aggression.
Despite Kosovo’s continuous efforts – and its people’s sincere admiration for the Jewish state – Israel has so far refused to establish relations with the youngest country in Europe.
Vlora Çitaku, Kosovo’s ambassador to the United States
The $300,000 museum-synagogue project is spearheaded by Votem Demiri, the 72-year-old patriarch of Kosovo’s Jewish community. His daughter, Ines Demiri, an official at Kosovo’s consulate-general in New York, organized the business delegation to Prishtinë and Prizren as well as its members’ meetings with Prime Minister Haradinaj and other top officials.
Though today home to just under 60 Jews, the state — which vies for international recognition — boasts a community that dates back to prior to the Spanish Inquisition
This week, another country signaled that it hoped to open an embassy in Jerusalem, and surprisingly, it’s a Muslim-majority nation. But there’s an unexpected catch: Israel doesn’t recognize this nation. Kosovo’s president, Hashim Thaci, said Thursday that were his country to have an embassy in Israel, he would put it in Jerusalem. “If Kosovo were recognized by Israel, I would open the Kosovo Embassy in Jerusalem,” Thaci explained during an interview with Vizion Plus in Albania.