Holocaust’s Victims, Such Genocides Shouldn’t Happen Again – President Meta Says
President of the Republic, Ilir Meta attended on Sunday the ceremony of the annunciation of Albania “Home of Life” by the International Foundation “Raoul Wallenberg”, on the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust.

President of the Republic, Ilir Meta attended on Sunday the ceremony of the annunciation of Albania “Home of Life” by the International Foundation “Raoul Wallenberg”, on the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust.
Addressing the numerous participants such as the diplomatic corps, members of the Albania-Israel Friendship Group, ministers, religious leaders and Albanian families who have saved and protected the Jews during the Holocaust, President Meta thanked the Raoul Wallenberg International Foundation for declaring Albania “Home of Life”.
Moreover, President Meta emphasised that such Genocide and inhumane acts should not be allowed to happen again in the world.
“This event, extremely meaningful, honors and respects all Albanians. In particular, this act honors those Albanian men and women guided by our century-long tradition of hospitality, who offered shelter to hundreds of thousands of Jews during the Holocaust, one of the darkest periods of humanity.
Albania, even though a country under the Nazi occupation, has been described as the ‘land paradise and rescue shelter’ not only for its Jewish citizens, who were nearly 200, but also for those Jews who left home throughout Europe to save their life and their families from the holocaust.
Through this solemn act, we not only make the whole inspiration and unique history of our compatriots known to mankind, but also pledge to convey and transmit this extraordinary human heritage to our children and generations to come after,” said Meta.
While, vice President of “Raoul Wallenber” International Foundation, Daniel Rainer stated that they have decided to honor Albania with this title only because of their unique hospitality.