PM Rama: Israel has excellent system of water supply and irrigation in agriculture
Israel has no water from God, from nature. But it is the country with the most excellent system of water supply and irrigation in agriculture

Prime Minister Edi Rama has harshly criticized Tuesday Albanian farmers, who throw away products they have grown because they have been unable to sell them.
During the conference on “Technology and Innovation in Agriculture and Livestock”, the Head of Government called on the farmers to learn more communicating with each other, now that the country has been engulfed by the price hike crisis.
As an example, PM Rama mentioned Israel, which according to him recycles wastewater for irrigation even though this country has no water from nature.
“What makes the difference with the willingness to work and the sweat shed is the knowledge associated with the information. Here it is definitely up to the government to do even more. To communicate to explain, to inform but it is up to the farmers themselves to do even more. This is a simple truth. There is no need for anyone to listen to us.
Just take the trouble and watch how others do. Pictures of some farmers appearing on TV throwing cherries because they could not sell them and shouting to the government that it is not helping them. This would be worrying if this happened to the Albanian cherry but there are others who succeed. And they make more success precisely as a result of rising prices. What is the difference between the former and the latter.
It is the same territory. They are the same structures, weaknesses and shortcomings. Here are two different realities. Here first those farmers have to take the trouble and go to the others and say how you do it. And the second belongs to the ministry to build communication bridges to transfer the knowledge created by people in the territory. We did not create the crisis, nor can we stop it. There is talk of a difficult winter ahead for major shortages, with rising oil and energy prices.
Israel has no water from God, from nature. But it is the country with the most excellent system of water supply and irrigation in agriculture. Why? Because in the absence of water and the abundance of water as we have, he has invested in the mind, in knowledge, in information and has managed to transform a great shortage into a source of extraordinary development by turning sea water into water of sweet to drink and irrigate and recycle all irrigation wastewater. No gram goes to waste. This is an example in the territory of our agriculture today there are many examples of development and success through paying special attention to knowledge”, said Rama.