Demiri viziton Van Leer Jerusalem Institute: Bashkëpunim me institucionet e Arsimit të Kosovës
Ambasadorja e Kosovës në Izrael, Ines Demiri, së bashku edhe me Sekretaren për Çështjet Akademike në Universitetin Bar-Ilan të Izraelit, Rachel Shelly Levy Drummer, vizituan Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, për të diskutuar rreth mundësive të bashkëpunimit me Institucionet e Arsimit të Kosovës

Kosovo Ambassador to Israel, Ines Demiri, together with the Secretary for Academic Affairs at Bar-Ilan University of Israel, Rachel Shelly Levy Drummer, visited the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, to discuss opportunities for cooperation with Kosovo Education Institutions.
“Together with Rachel Shelly Levy Drummer, had the pleasure to visit Van Leer Jerusalem Institute and discuss about the possibilities of cooperation with Kosovo Education Institutions. ????”, writes Ambassador Demiri on social networks.
The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute (VLJI) is a center for the interdisciplinary study and discussion of issues related to philosophy, society, culture, and education. The Institute was established in order to create a body of knowledge and discourse which gives expression to the wide range of disciplines and opinions in Israel. The contribution of a core of renowned scholars facilitates the implementation of reforms and new approaches in various social spheres.
The Institute is located in Jerusalem’s Talbiya neighborhood, next door to the official residence of the President of Israel. Its campus also houses the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the Council for Higher Education.