President of Albania, Ilir Meta, awarded Ms. Avital Leibovich with the Title of Scanderbeg Order’s Knight
Remarks of the President of the Republic, H. E. Ilir Meta at the award ceremony of Ms. Avital Leibovich with the Title of Scanderbeg Order’s Knight

Remarks of the President of the Republic, H. E. Ilir Meta at the award ceremony of Ms. Avital Leibovich with the Title of Scanderbeg Order’s Knight
Distinguished Madam Leibovich!
Honorable Mr. Ambassador of the State of Israel, Noah Gendler and Madam Gendler!
Distinguished guests!
I am honored and deeply pleased to hold this award ceremony in order to bestow one of the highest award of our state upon the Director of the American Jewish Committee, Madam Avital Leibovich.
The relations and the cooperation between American Jewish Committee structures in the United States and the Albanian-American community for their integration into economic and political projects, both in the United States and in Israel, is very essential to us: to Albania and to the Albanian people as well, wherever they might live.
Cooperation with AJC has promoted Albanian issues of significant interest, also Kosova’s independence and its international recognition, and has continuously lobbied in the United States Congress and its Senate for the benefit of Albanians.
Madam Leibovich has lobbied on behalf of AJC about many sensitive issues such as the Global Diplomacy and the Albanian model of religious coexistence and tolerance.
To this very day when the clash between the Israelis and Palestinians continue to be a very hot topic in world’s politics, the AJC’s global reach strengthens religious dialogue across the planet.
To serve the scope of a peaceful solution in the Middle East, the AJC has further promoted the unique example of the Albanian people for sheltering and rescuing fleeing Jews throughout the dark times of Holocaust and the atrocities perpetrated by Nazi Germany during the Second World War.
AJC has included the Albanian agenda in the groups of the United States Congress on issues related to human rights, minorities and sensitive issues on the international agenda. Albania highly appreciates this relationship, which also serves the purpose of building even stronger ties between Albania and the United States, as well as the friendly relations between the Albanian nation and the Israeli people, culminated with the recent recognition of the independent and sovereign state of Kosova.
Besides these historical facts, the constant participation of prominent Albanian figures in the annual AJC Global Forum has been very highly appreciated and their prominent presence at this very important event attended by personalities of the world and their keynote speeches have clearly highlight the unique example of Albania and its people, also thanks to you contribution, Madam Leibovich.
Also I would like to commend Madam Leibovich about her idea and proposal to open the AJC office in Tirana, in order to represent the Balkan countries and mark a concrete step in further strengthening our close and friendly historical ties.
Madam Leibovich has worked and continues to provide her valuable help and precious knowledge to achieve these goals.
Therefore, also on behalf of the Albanian people and state, I am mostly grateful to her precious contribution and have decided in the capacity of the Head of State to bestow upon her as a token of gratitude for the aggrandizement of the Albanian nation in the State of Israel and in the United States of America, standing out as a powerful voice in support of Albania and Kosova as well.
Also, in appreciation for the uninterrupted promotion of the unique contribution provided by the Albanians regarding the sheltering, protection and rescue of Jews during the dark period of the Shoah.”
Madam Leibovich, thank you very much for everything you have done towards strengthening the Albanian-Israeli relations, and Albanian-American ones as well and I wish you all the best!