Parliament Speaker Attends Israel Summit against Terrorism
The Speaker of the Parliament, Lindita Nikolla, participated in the 21st World Summit organized by the International Institute Against Terrorism of the Reichman University in Israel.

The Speaker of the Parliament, Lindita Nikolla, participated in the 21st World Summit organized by the International Institute Against Terrorism of the Reichman University in Israel.
Speaker Nikolla was the main spokesperson at the session on September 13 on the topic “Terrorism in the eye of the storm”.
During the Summit, Nikolla was received by the Executive Director of the International Institute Against Terrorism, Prof. Boaz Ganor, with whom they discussed the coordination of the fight against cyber terrorism.
In her speech, Nikola underlined that “Since February 24 of this year, when Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine took place, terrorist acts and war threaten humanity simultaneously and in parallel. Synergies can easily be built between terrorist acts and wars of aggression, and their creation multiplies the risks for the countries that are the target of these attacks, but also for regions, continents and beyond, even the entire planet.
Terrorists and warmongering states exploit every technological achievement to attack peace, democracy, welfare and the democratic system. On September 7, Albania decided to freeze diplomatic relations with Iran, due to the evidence that this country had sponsored the cyber attack against the government websites of the Republic of Albania.
More than three decades ago, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe entered the processes of Euro-Atlantic integration and European integration, in NATO, and in the European Union. Today, after 32 years, it seems clear that NATO has moved faster than the EU in accepting countries that once belonged to a military alliance against it.
The dilemmas of EU enlargement policies, compared to the clarity of NATO enlargement, have given way to the penetration and influence of non-Western influences in the Western Balkans, from which both terrorists and warmongers can benefit. The speed and clarity with which NATO acted in support of Ukraine proved not only the strength, but also the cohesion of the organization.
Although a small country with limited resources, Albania has proven that the contribution to the fight against terrorism and terrorists is not related to the size of the country and the power of the economy, but to the clear vision for freedom, justice and peace. Our stance against the invasion of Ukraine has been so clear.
In October 2020, the Assembly of Albania adopted the Resolution “On the adoption of the applicable definition for anti-Semitism, defined by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance” and organized, in cooperation with the Movement Against Anti-Semitism and the Agency for the Jews of Israel, the first Balkan Forum against anti-Semitism. Albania considers the leadership of the united front of the Balkans for the fight against anti-Semitism to be a responsibility to civilization,” she said.