Israeli Ambassador to Tirana, Noah Gal Gendler: Confident the Economy Will Bounce Back
Israeli Ambassador to Tirana, Noah Gal Gendler invited to share with readers of Albanian Daily News some opinions on the fight against the coronavirus pandemic as well as its expected economic impact worldwide.

“I have no doubt that the world economic system will regenerate itself in relatively short period but some of the people will be there to suffer the consequences,” has said the Israeli Ambassador to Tirana, Noah Gal Gendler invited to share with readers of Albanian Daily News some opinions on the fight against the coronavirus pandemic as well as its expected economic impact worldwide.
Ambassador Gendler was of the opinion that the world must gear towards a new world order with the aim of protecting the environment, efficiently planning the economy and moderating lifestyle preferences like diet, habits, tourism.
Asked about his experience in the confinement measures in Albania he said this is the second time he witnesses the Albanian resistance in dire situations with the first one being during the earthquake of November 26 last year. “I am impressed by the calm attitude, proportional measurements of the government and compliance by majority of population,” said the Ambassador.
Mr. Gendler mentioned some of the restrictive measures taken by his government and answering a question of Easter celebrations this year he noted that this year it will not be possible to celebrate any of the holidays in public. “Jerusalem, with its history of more than 3000 years, will overcome this pandemic in order to gather there next year,” he said.
In the meantime the Ambassador pointed out that Israel has put itself at the forefront of medical sciences trying to find vaccination (to prevent) and medicine (to cure) the corona.
“It is a race against time,” Israeli Ambassador Noah Gal Gendler said in the interview which follows:
– Mr. Ambassador we are having this interview at a time when coronavirus pandemic has affected almost the entire world with Covid-19 virus knowing no borders. First of all, could you please tell us which are some of the major restrictive measures taken by Israeli government?
-Because the nature of the disease is not yet fully known to us, government policies are reconsidered on a daily basis. Basically, we do what most nations do: restrictions on unnecessary movements, spread prevention means (gloves and mandatory use of masks in the public), isolation of severely affected areas (buildings and neighborhoods), medical tests and special arrangements of might needed facilities (corona units within hospitals), and equipment (respiratory machines).
– Every spring, the streets of Jerusalem are full with Jewish, Christian pilgrims and tourists during the time of celebrations of Easter. What can you say on the current general mood among the population?
-Unfortunately, this year it will not be possible to celebrate any of the holidays in public – it is very risky. Jerusalem, with its history of more than 3000 years, will overcome this pandemic in order to gather there next year.
– Solidarity has become like a prayer. In this aspect what can you tell us about the cooperation of Israel at a regional and international level to coordinate the anti-virus fight? Is your country sharing its expertise in this field and secondly?
There are 2 relevant aspects in order to answer this question:
a) There is a constant global shortage of any equipment needed to tackle the disease. We try to coordinate our efforts in order to get hold of what we need and to share what we have in abundance.
b) Not less important – Israel has put itself at the forefront of medical sciences trying to find vaccination (to prevent) and medicine (to cure) the corona. It is a race against time.
– Palestinians from the West Bank work in Israel. What precautionary measures have been taken to manage this situation when usually many of them used to return to their homes?
-Any Palestinian, like any other Israeli worker, can continue working in Israel under two conditions:
a) They are part of the essential services defined by the government;
b) They adhere to all movements restrictions imposed on all the people living in Israel.
– What is being done, Mr. Ambassador, to face the consequences on the economy because of the restrictions, and in what way does the government help concretely especially vulnerable segments of the population, and small and medium sized businesses?
-I rather not mention all steps the government has taken to support the Israeli economy, but in short I can say that the government enlarged the state annual budget by 25 billion dollars (6% of Israel’s GDP) in order to support all relevant sectors. It might not be enough but offers a reasonable solution for the coming weeks,
until we better understand how this virus evolves.
– Your duty keeps you in Albania, and you are witness to the situation in the country. Firstly, how are you coping with the confinement measures taken by the Albanian government and in addition which is your assessment of the efforts made by the authorities to manage the crisis?
-This is the second time I witness the Albanian resistance in dire situations – the first occasion being during the earthquake some months ago. I am impressed by the calm attitude, proportional measurements of the government and compliance by majority of population.
As for me, I have no problem being confined for such critical reasons.
– Given the extension of this pandemic that is leading many countries to extended economic ‘freeze’ which, according to your opinion, might be its economic and financial impact worldwide, and do you think that the post coronavirus ‘era’ could generate a redesign of the world economic order?
-I have no doubt that the world economic system will regenerate itself in relatively short period but some of the people will be there to suffer the consequences. In order to prevent another occurrence in the near future we must gear towards a new world order vis a vis protecting the environment, efficiently planning the economy and moderating lifestyle preferences: diet, habits, tourism (to mention a few).
Source: Albanian Daily News