Category: Israel Inside
Receiving an honorary doctorate from Bar-Ilan University, Yossi Cohen says the Mossad “is in the war for peace. This task is not always easy, which is why in recent years, the clandestine war against terrorist organizations and against Iran for all its violent activities in our region and its desire for nuclear weapons, has become so important.”
PM hails ‘outstanding conversation’ with Salman bin Hamad, week after two countries signed Declaration of Peace
The Rehovot-based company is leveraging its proprietary Selective T cell Redirection (STR) platform to develop targeted anticancer immunotherapies.
Actiview today announced the completion of a Series A financing round led by Teddy Sagi Group.
Business magazine says country more costly to live in than Hong Kong, U.K. and U.S., but cheaper than Switzerland, Japan and Luxembourg; ranking calculated using cost of living, rental prices, store prices, restaurant costs and purchasing power
The announcement comes 8 years after the plan to build in Givat HaMatos was initially put forward but halted due to international pressure; 1,000 houses will also be built for Palestinians in Beit Safafa in East J’lem
The anti-Israeli voices on the fringes of US politics are nothing more than a flash in the pan. Israel has always enjoyed bipartisan support in America. This is what genuine, ironclad support looks like. A love story that is grounded in shared values and a shared ethos.
Alexander Van der Bellen lays wreath at Yad Vashem, tells President Rivlin that his country aims ‘to ensure that Jews everywhere feel safe’
A new understanding of the workings of the human retina, microfluids that could help early disease diagnosis, and research toward quantum computing win Blavatnik Award
Ahead of Alexander Van der Bellen’s visit, Israel reiterates that foreign minister Karin Kneissl, who belongs to the far-right Freedom Party, is unwelcome